Sean Kopen / Cinder Digital

Best Practices

Marketing Bedrock from Experience

If you got here, you were interested enough in my resume to scan the code. This website goes beyond the bullet points of a resume and provides more information on my experience.

Below are some quick sections to provide information.


Extended resume

More information on how I’ve helped the companies I’ve worked for.


About Me

Some context about me away from work, which I feel is just as important.


Read my Blog

Worth the time if you have a moment. Some fun content in here!



Through both agency and freelance work, I’ve supported dozens of companies in a vareity of industries. Most of my work has involved retail and tech, but also oil and gas, government, education and specialized services.



Through both agency and freelance work, I’ve supported dozens of companies in a vareity of industries. Most of my work has involved retail and tech, but also oil and gas, government, education and specialized services.

  • eComm 101

  • Advertising 101

  • Design 101