In our continuing exploration of how operations supports creativity, I wanted to dive into a recent restaurant experience. Here, the food, the experience, the brand itself, are all thought of as creative expressions, but I would propose that operations are paramount to conveying this. Case in point for this exploration, the first impression and greeting.
Read MoreHave you ever shopped for a dress shirt? You know, the shirts with a hundred pins, cardboard forms and a 15 minute journey to try it on?
My friend and I needed matching shirts as groomsman (super cute) and not being experts in sizing, we must have tore through a dozen packages before finding the right look and fit.
Read MoreI tried to find stats about how much of our lives we spend waiting (checkout lines, on hold, etc.) but I couldn’t find one, so I’m making one up. An average North American will spend over 8,000 hours waiting in their lifetime! That’s almost an entire year!
Read MoreYou learn best from mistakes, but it’s far more fun when it’s someone else’s mistakes.
One of my earliest lessons in user design occurred while I was still in sales. We bid on a large government project for a registration software. We lost out on a big government deal for a registration software. We pretty much had the thing already built, a great price, expertise, BUT NONE OF THAT MATTERS. I was pretty bitter.
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