Posts tagged marketing
You Need a Digital PM!

To explain the value of a Digital Project Manager, we want to understand a digital project. These can be websites, landing pages, online stores, applications, social media presence and depending on where you draw the line, digital advertising. The variety of project types means different technology frameworks and related expertise to deliver a quality final product.

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Bored Meeting

Once upon a time, I thought having a dozen people in a room deciding everything was normal. It starts innocent enough I’m sure. The boss is needed for some important decision, and he just sticks around. Then that one guy from sales had an idea people liked, so he’s in there too. Accounting? Well, at some point people are feeling left out.

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Involving the Customer in Design

You learn best from mistakes, but it’s far more fun when it’s someone else’s mistakes.

One of my earliest lessons in user design occurred while I was still in sales. We bid on a large government project for a registration software. We lost out on a big government deal for a registration software. We pretty much had the thing already built, a great price, expertise, BUT NONE OF THAT MATTERS. I was pretty bitter.

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